Tuesday, March 11, 2008

TroubledTeenSurvivor.com Now Open!

Hello all. In my recent frustrations, I have decided to create my own website and network, in which I hope to continue in my strong efforts to help inform families, survivors, and the world the truths of the Troubled Teen Industry. I found myself getting extremely frustrated with other websites; in which I agree with their main purpose, but have the belief in my personal opinion, that that main purpose, gets mixed up into the wrong hands. These sites, are not regulated, which is fine if that is how they choose to operate. However, I do choose to have my site regulated, in order to provide a clearer, more accurate, and precise vision regarding the Troubled Teen Industry. I am not in any way, prejudice to these sites, except in cases where they seem to not have regulation of what is being put out there. This is my personal view, and not meant in any way to attempt to discredit anyone who is trying to fight this cause.
Please stay tuned, I am still working on the site.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation and for your time.